mardi, août 26, 2008

In Harmonia Progressio

Yeah, the second post without an English title. Cool, huh?

I found the phrase on my friend's pin that he put on his bag. At first I thought it was a religious one, but just today when I put the words on Google I understood that it was one motto from my campus.

Literally it means "Progress with Harmony". Simplistic but catchy, in my opinion.

It was found through research that most graduates from ITB understand thoroughly what field of science they were taught at. Though so, many of them could not implement the intelligence in the real world. This was caused by the understatement of other fields of science. Without harmony with the other fields of science, one field cannot excel. As the world is one, and nature was born by one God, thus science should be one.

Does this theory work in social life?

mercredi, août 20, 2008

A Dream

I had a dream.

I had a dream when I was a little boy, that someday later I can have twins as my children. One will be a boy, and the other a girl.

I had a dream.

I had a dream when I was a teenager, that I can create a way to make my other dream come true. That is, by modifying biological substances, so my children will surely be twins.

I have a dream.

I have a dream about the world. A single world, unbound by countries or languages, a single pangaea. A prosperous world, where no one would have to be a beggar just to get a scoop of rice. A just world, where no one would have reasons to defy the law. A clean world, where pollution is something that nature can digest again.

But a dream will always be a dream, when the dreamer stays asleep, floating in the everlasting streams of dreams. And the reason why people say, "Your dream is too big" is because they don't have enough courage to dream big. They were afraid to step out of the tiny box of their minds.

Go out there. Explore the world.

There, you will see what God really is.

mardi, août 19, 2008


Kalian boleh bilang saya tercuci otak karena INKM. Mungkin juga hal itu benar, tapi saya tidak terlalu peduli. Yang penting bagi saya, sekarang saya memiliki pandangan dan kepedulian yang baru terhadap bangsa ini. Yang penting bagi saya, sekarang saya mau mengerahkan tenaga untuk menjadikan Indonesia negara yang lebih baik.

Terkesan muluk?

Kemarin, saya membeli sebotol Aqua di sebuah warung kecil di pinggir jalan. Ketika saya membuka segel botol tersebut, saya bertanya kepada pedagang di warung itu.

"Mas, tong sampah di sekitar sini di mana ya?"

"Ah, buang aja di situ," ujarnya sambil menunjuk ke aspal jalan, "nanti juga disapu."

Saya menggeleng singkat. "Wah, maaf mas, saya nggak suka aja buang sampah sembarangan."

Seketika itu juga sang pedagang menunjukkan sebuah tempat sampah. Dan ketika saya berjalan pergi setelah mengucap terima kasih padanya, saya melihat selintas bagaimana ia mulai memunguti sampah yang bertebaran di sekitar warungnya.

Satu hal kecil yang sederhana dapat mengubah orang lain menuju arah yang lebih baik. Segalanya bermula dari keinginan kita sendiri untuk berubah.

Apakah memperbaiki Indonesia masih terdengar seperti hal yang muluk?

Relativity of Time

Einstein bilang, waktu itu relatif.

Padahal, waktu ya tetap. Berjalan terus, tanpa pernah berhenti. Terus, tanpa pernah ada perbedaan dalam setiap detiknya, setiap menitnya, ataupun setiap jamnya. Waktu adalah mungkin adalah hal yang paling konstan di dunia ini.

Tapi kenapa minggu lalu baru bertemu dengan kekasihku, rasanya sudah seperti berbulan-bulan? Kenapa rindu ini bukan berkurang, malah bertambah?

Science doesn't make sense.

dimanche, août 17, 2008


What drives you to SUCCESS?

Is it Love?
Is it Intelligence?
Is it Money?
Is it Self-Esteem?
Is it Honesty?

This is a question asked to me at INKM ITB 2008.

And for me personally, the answer is DEVOTION.